
Rehabilitation of metallic pipelines in the power industry with RTP-Rehab technology

Trechless Technology

The hydrocarbon industry has faced critical challenges in the preservation of its infrastructure due to corrosion problems in the pipelines used in the extraction, transportation and storage of oil and gas, these challenges have led to increased operating costs and significant environmental consequences. However, during the last three decades an innovative solution called flexible RTP (Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe) has been developed for the transportation of hydrocarbons.



We have successfully implemented this technology for the rehabilitation of deteriorated metallic pipelines that are destined to be abandoned due to integrity issues, we are setting a new standard in transportation infrastructure rehabilitation by using flexible RTP pipelines.


RTP flexible pipes are recognized for their exceptional resistance to corrosion, abrasion and fatigue, making them the ideal choice for the rehabilitation of deteriorated metallic pipelines. The RTP REHAB process involves the insertion of these pipes into existing pipelines, which extends the life of the system by 50 years and reduces the need for maintenance, thanks to the flexibility and lightness of RTP pipes, installation is more efficient even in difficult terrain, reducing downtime during the rehabilitation process.



By implementing the RTP REHAB process, we were able to reduce construction execution times by 90%, which minimizes maintenance costs and reduces intervention in properties and community procedures.

From the economic point of view, we optimize costs by extending the useful life of existing pipelines, which significantly reduces the need to invest in the construction of new infrastructure, representing a savings of 60% compared to building it again.

Además, en términos ambientales, el proceso RTP REHAB se alinea con nuestro compromiso de reducir la huella de carbono al eliminar en un 95% la necesidad de excavaciones. Esto minimiza la alteración del entorno natural y reduce las emisiones de carbono asociadas con maquinaria pesada y transporte de materiales. Además, al prolongar la vida útil de las tuberías, contribuimos a la conservación de los recursos naturales al disminuir la necesidad de reemplazos frecuentes.


Nuestro proceso RTP REHAB transforma la infraestructura metálica existente en infraestructura no metálica ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para abordar los desafíos de preservación y modernización en la industria de hidrocarburos no solo brindando ventajas técnicas y económicas, sino que también nos preocupamos por el medio ambiente al reducir la huella de carbono y conservar los recursos naturales.

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